Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Forum for Dialogues on Comprehensive Democracy


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Religiosity, Identity and Democracy: Islam Muslims and Democracy

(Seminar Organised by Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam & CSDS;

3-5 January 2003; Asian Social Forum, Hyderabad)

Report Compiled by Subhendu Ranjan Raj






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SARDAR ALI KHAN speaking on Cultural Diversity and Pluralism – Ideological Premise said that the lack of diversity permeaters all places and times. Culture does not from part of religion. Cultural diversity is the need of the hour. In Soviet Union, intolerance of cultural diversity has resulted in balkanization. The same applies to Eastern Europe. In our sub-continent also the severance of Bangladesh has meant the severance of many tenuous ties.

In India, we have heald the need for a cultural revolution. In China some time ago a Cultural revolution was undertaken which failed. The upshot is tolerance. Regimenntation of societies and people is not possible. Diversities will have to be allowed to exist. Living and religion is a matter of personal choice. When the constitution gave the freedom of religion is a matter of personal choice. When the constitution gave the freedom of religion this was ingrained in it. Today a blind eye is being turned on at these provision. Articles 25-28 provide an enforceable right. Such sacrosanct articles are being bypassed. This directly impinges on our cultural diversity. Ambedkar, Saiullah were aware of this. Art. 51A of Fundamental duties guarantees preservation of composite culture of India.

The Muslims are the 2nd largest minority in India. They have a right to preserve their lifestyle and identity. A case came before the International court of Justice which was constituted under the League of Nations. It stated that the touchstone of good governance or a system is that all religious minorities should be placed with perfect equality. Are we guaranteeing this in India? There are a lot of other provision from which the minorities have been kept away from. Ideological dissent is necessary. It can be tolerated to the extent that it doesn't become 'kaumi' (communal) or 'siyasi' (concerning the state) It should not lead to the break up of the country. Today there is a need for a dialogue between various communities. Tolerance is the very substance of life.


FATIMA SHAHNAZ speaking on Interface of right and Equality from the Indian perspective said Islam is a reformist religion. It has a revolutionary aspect as well as it was a protest movement other religions. It is not of medieval orientation. We need to dispel its negative image.

Since its inception it has been a reformist and revolutionary concept. The many perversions and misrepresentation that are attributed to it are basically the work of others. Islam is a libertarian philosophy and since exploitative capitalism is afraid of conscientious liberal philosophy it has attributed such misrepresentations. The many things associated with it such assist seregationist perspective, its segregation of genders is essentially anti Islam. There has been systematic anti Islamic propaganda especially after Sep 11 incident. The most heinous from of ethnic cleansing is underway. It is absolutely wrong to associate Islam with violence because it does condone violence. Islam discourage nationalism. There is no compulsion in this religion. There is evidence that Islam helps fight against tyranny.

In Islam God stand for justice. Iman Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet said that the notion of war is condoned as unIslamic. Islam is also revolutionary. It denounces hypocraisy of hegemocistic forces. Ideal of justice is inherently linked to welfare state and this is an Islamic ideal. 1300 years ago, Islam was the first socialist faith. There is abolition of law of primogeniture in Islam. It is also highly feminist in orientation. Hazrat Fatima Jehrasays property should be perpetuated or passed through daughters. The latitude of Islamic jurisprudence is quite vast. Islam respects social heredity and the laws of other nations. The last sermon of the Prophet stressed the importance of impartiality. There is a convergence of the practical and the real in Islam. It also gave the freedom to women much before others did. Oran also has a compressed charter of human rights.



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